What we offer
Since day one, our mission has always been safety, best practices, modern rope technique, and most important, to have fun!
Alex Lowe once said "All the good climbers are the ones having fun"! Our guides love what they do and are meticulously trained to operate smart and efficiently in the mountains.
Riverview Outdoor Adventure Climbing School accommodates all ages and experience levels, whether it's your first time putting on a harness or a seasoned climber training for a big objective.
Riverview can guarantee there is an option for you. If you are a recreational climber, we can teach you the skills to live your dream. If you aspire to become a climbing guide, we can provide the mentorship as you advance along the path to a vocation as a guide.
Riverview Outdoor Adventure Climbing School is the Mid-Atlantic Area's Premier Rock and Ice Climbing School. We are located approximately 50 miles west of New York City, 80 miles north of Philadelphia, and 40 miles from Allentown.
Why outdoor climbing?
Why should someone give outdoor rock climbing a go? Firstly, it's all about nature. When you're an outdoor climber, you learn to interact consciously with nature and keep it clean. Secondly, rock climbing is good for you – it vitalizes not only the body, but also the mind.